Kim Khalida Bech
BOOST your dance skills, confidence and creativity
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Selfie QUEEN - Master the Art of digital Self Portraits (Recordings)
Balletic Moves for Bellydance with Khalida (3 Videos)
Oriental Choreography & Taqsim Tips - A Step-by-Step Guide (3 Videos)
Slow and Smooth - Fluid Technique Drills & Combinations (6 Videos)
Dance Conditioning - 4 Pre-Warmup Routines and Follow-Along Drills (2 Videos)
All About Arms - Elegant Arms & Hands with Khalida (4 Videos)
Downloadable DVD - Shimmies with Khalida (1 Video)
Downloadable DVD - Isis Wings with Khalida (1 Video)
Props - Veil with Khalida - Three 30-minute classes (3 Videos)